A New England Emmy-nominated YouTube series, created with Boston College professor Dr. Ethan Baxter, designed to inspire wonder, curiosity, and engagement with earth and environmental sciences.
Role: Producer
Dr. Bruce Walker shares his work investigating cellular immune responses in chronic human viral infections, with a particular focus on HIV immunology and vaccine development.
Role: Video Editor
Causal diagrams have revolutionized the way in which researchers ask: Does X have a causal effect on Y? This course introduces the theory of causal diagrams and its applications to causal inference.
Role: Video Editor
Economist Ed Glaser provides a far-ranging look at the past, present and future of cities around the world, in order to better understand, appreciate, and improve urban areas.
Role: Video Editor
Dr. Ashish Jha speaks with practitioners, experts, and scholars to cultivate a better understanding of the Ebola epidemic and its implications for future health systems.
Role: Video Editor
Part of the Fundamentals of Neuroscience series, this video takes the learner on an epic journey with a trio of musicians who travel into the depths of the human auditory system.
Role: Video Editor
Part of the Fundamentals of Neuroscience series, footage from the Harvard Art Museum illustrates Dr. Bevil Conway’s explanation of how the brain perceives the relationship between color and shape.
Role: Video Editor
A short video about the Urban Homesteaders’ League, a community venture dedicated to empowering people to shift from a lifestyle of passive consumption to one of active participation, creation, and connection.
Role: Director/Videographer/Editor